Services & Solutions informatique pour TPE/PME
Études de cas
Découvrez comment Yves Le Grand a aidé des entreprises en fournissant les meilleures personnes et technologies, en simplifiant la complexité et en offrant un avantage concurrentiel durable.
Cliquez sur le menu pour filtrer par secteurs
infrastructure IT Réseaux d’entreprise
Dimensionnement, câblage structuré, configuration des équipements pour Média
Sécurité Improve IT planning
How we helped a Maryland staffing firm improve their IT planning
ERP/CRM Connect network app
They were provided with a cutting-edge, multi-user aware Citrix server.
Développement Web/Mobile Cloud server migration
As DPS worked through moving their system to a more modern platform
ERP/CRM Managed cloud hosting
DPSs’ provided the company with enhanced and reliable mobility
infrastructure ITSécurité Virtual desktop infrastructure
The lack of suitable resources was leading to employee dissatisfaction
Développement Web/Mobile Workspace cloud business
As a new company stemming from an established accounting firm
infrastructure IT Managed backup services
With an upgraded on-site server and new Internet circuits
Business intelligence Managed and cloud IT
DPS continues to support and maintain the client’s environment